WWCode ATL Celebrates 3rd Anniversary

WWCode ATL Celebrates 3rd Anniversary

Written by WWCode HQ

Press Releases

Local Women in Tech Non-Profit Boasts More Than 1,600 Members

Atlanta, GA – August 25, 2016 — Women Who Code (WWCode), a nonprofit dedicated to helping women in tech achieve career success, is proud to announce that the Atlanta Network of the organization is celebrating its third anniversary. The local group is the 10th largest network and has over 1,600 members. It has held 133 free tech events, talks, conferences, and hack nights in the three years since they started. The community is amongst our most active networks and averages about 5 events per month for women in the local tech community.

The third anniversary celebration was held at ThoughtWorks in midtown Atlanta. The night was set to be an event of reviews, where the Network Directors, Erica Stanley, Alicia Carr, and Beth Laing led the group in a discussion of some of the milestones they have reached over the past year, and the direction that they will be going moving forward.

The journey of Women Who Code Atlanta is one of individual stories, like that of Network Director Erica Stanley. She had a successful career as an engineer, but she found herself held back from even greater professional achievements by a fear of public speaking. Helping to start WWCode Atlanta was one way that she overcame that obstacle.

According to Erica, “I wanted to do something big, something that would force me to put myself out there, all while doing an important service to the community. When I heard about Women Who Code, and found out a Network was starting here, I wanted to get involved right away. Since then I’ve given tech talks, which I never would have done before. Now, people are seeking me out for opportunities, where previously I had to sell myself.”

That’s just the story of one of the over 1,600 engineers that call themselves part of the Atlanta Network of Women Who Code. Through the global organization, they are also connected to a community of over 50,000 tech professionals, in 20 countries and more than 60 cities around the world.

Women Who Code ATL recently held Atlanta’s first all female Hackathon: Women Take on Tech, which featured 100 engineers, designers, and mentors from across the country, working over three days to create technological innovations. Some of the results include a police and civil service rating app, wearable technology game concepts, and community based social good projects. The winning team, Pairsona, worked on an app solution to help refugees and immigrants connect with vital services when travelling to the US.

Joey Rosenberg, who is the Global Leadership Director of Women Who Code, and the person responsible for coordinating and guiding the more than 60 local Networks the organization has around the world, remarked on this event saying, “We’re proud of Women Who Code, and the amazing Directors and Leaders who have worked so hard to make this Network a success. Atlanta has come a long way in three years, and I can’t wait to see the amazing things the next three years bring.”

About Women Who Code
Women Who Code is an international non-profit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our goal is to empower women with the skills needed for professional advancement, and provide environments for networking and mentorship. The organization has executed more than 4,200 events around the world, garnered a membership exceeding 80,000, and has a presence in 20 countries. Help us to empower even more women to advance in tech with the training and community they need to succeed by supporting our #WWCode networks. Learn more at womenwhocode.com.