WW<CODE> Maker Bytes

WW<CODE> Maker Bytes

Written by WWCode Core Team

Maker Bytes

Issue 128

We are building features for the Women Who Code community and we want to highlight that work with our stakeholders, you! THANK YOU to our contributors for dedicating their valuable time to help us build tech a place where women can excel.

You can follow all of our work on github. Below are a few snippets of our awesome features.


We've been working on some exciting changes to the Network pages this week, moving us closer to the goal of giving each Network their own properly branded Mini-Site. We also made some design updates to the job board and took care of a few other upgrades to help the overall performance of the website.

Our Story
– The About Page is being updated with an "Our Story" section based on the newest approved designs.

Network Upcoming Events Pages
– Approved mocks were implemented by adding new events view, individual event display partial, and other styles.
– Updated the events path and network controllers to load the new page format for /events.

Job Post Updates
– Made the following fields require: company name, about us, how to apply
– Updated styles on "Post a Job", "Edit a Job" and "Clone a Job" to have the same spacing on all major browsers.
– On the jobs Show page styles were updated to ensure spacing was even on all major browsers for jobs with apply URL's and those with apply Emails.

Remove TOS Banner
– The Terms of Service update banner was removed from every page of the site.

Network Subnav
– Implemented the approved mocks for the new "Tab Nav" section of the Network pages.
– Ensured that "Get Involved" and "Join Us" buttons match the approved mocks.  

ActiveAdmin Performance Updates
– Updated the Active Admin filter: admin/network_leader
– Changed the profile filter from a drop select filter type to a text-search filter-type to avoid loading lots of data into memory.
– Add scopes to eager-load data on pages with many associations.

Our Website

Our repo is private, yet running under an open source license.  Instead of pointing to issues and PRs, we are including a screenshot of what our weekly pulse looks like. 

Existing website contributors, please check out our pulse!

Potential website contributors, please email coreteam@womenwhocode.com with your GitHub username to get started. It's built in Ruby on Rails + React + Postgresql.






Talk to us

Any ideas about existing features, new features, getting involved as a contributor, please share it in this FORM and/or watch our repos on Github.

To submit feedback, comments or questions email coreteam@womenwhocode.com, we would love to hear from you. 

User Research is a Team Sport

Join our User Research Team! Be the first to check out all of the great products that we are building and have your voice heard from the earliest stages of development.

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