WW<CODE> Maker Bytes

WW<CODE> Maker Bytes

Written by WWCode Core Team

Maker Bytes

Issue 8

We are building pretty amazing features and we want to highlight that work with our stakeholders, you! We have some amazing people working tirelessly to make our apps better. We want to say a huge THANK YOU to them.

You can follow all of our work on github. Below are a few snippets of our awesome features.

This Week

In an effort to review pull requests coming in more thoroughly, we've done a few exciting things! We added a reviewers category and integrated with code climate.

Reviewers Category will be listed in each project's READMEs, those are the people who will review pull requests that come in from now on. Thanks @puja and @shehba for stepping up as official android reviewers!

Code Climate works with Ruby and Javascript apps. We are using it to let us know how we can improve our existing code base to more quickly find security vulnerabilities, adhere to language specific styles guides and have more automated code reviews! Thanks @sinead for setting up code climate, @vinu for doing initial integration and to Code Climate for giving us a non-profit discount!

Our Website

This repo is private, if you are not an existing contributor, will get 404 errors on the below links. We are planning on open sourcing it soon!!!

Meanwhile, if you are interested in contributing to the website repo, please email core-team@womenwhocode.com with your github username. It's built in Ruby on Rails.


Job board:

  • Tests for our job post transactions. Issue and PR
  • Add in the ability to submit a transaction when submitting a job post. Issue and PR
  • Add the ability to fill in job post details and validating them, before paying for the job post. Issue, Issue – dup and PR

Code CleanUp/Bugs:

  • Meetup Ids for some of our Network events are changing. Internal investigation is happen and so is an investigation on meetup's end. WWCode Issue and Meetup Issue

New Reviewer Category:

  • Add reviewers category to the README. Issue and PR

Copy Changes

  • Text changes in footer. Issue and PR
  • Add Jen to the about page! Issue and PR
  • Update expenditures chart in about page :). Issue and PR
In The Works

6 new issues captured this week. See here

  1. Add timestamps to meetupcache table
  2. Events – Meetup API use version 3
  3. Event create and update form
  4. Network page events list is missing events
  5. Handle event timezone when adding/editing an event through the admin interface

Our own job board!
Pretty soon, we are going to be able to view companies who are hiring, see what benefits they offer and compare. See our mocks!


Our Android App (currently a Prototype)

Check out the DEMO Prototype!


Code CleanUp/Bugs:

  • Show Error Messages on failed Login|Register. Issue and PR
  • [Create Profile] Add ripple effect. Issue and PR
  • [README] add a list of opensource technologies used section. Issue and PR

New Reviewer Category:

  • Add reviewers category to the readme. Issue and PR

In other news
Talk to us

Any ideas about existing features, new features, getting involved as a contributor, please share it in this FORM and/or watch our repos on Github.

To submit feedback, comments or questions email core-team@womenwhocode.com, we would love to hear from you.


We are looking for a Designer/Thinker/Doer part-time. Please nominate someone or send us your info using this FORM