Understanding the Impact of Technology on Domestic Violence

Understanding the Impact of Technology on Domestic Violence

Written by Kimberly Jacobs


Please note: Due to the topic of domestic violence the contents of this blog may be triggering. Reader discretion is advised.

Domestic violence is a pervasive and insidious problem that affects individuals and families from all walks of life, transcending gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, age, and socioeconomic status. When thinking about domestic violence, it’s important to realize the many ways it shows up in relationships and the role technology plays in both perpetrating and preventing this issue. By shedding light on this critical issue and exploring how technology can be harnessed to protect and empower victims, we can take a step closer to ending these cycles of abuse.

Types of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence takes various forms, each equally harmful and damaging. Perpetrators often inflict multiple forms of abuse at once to maintain power and control. Reports show that 1 in 4 women experience physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking by an intimate partner. Understanding different types of abuse is vital to address the issue comprehensively, and empathize with victims.

  • Physical Abuse: This includes any form of physical harm or violence, such as hitting, slapping, or choking. In intimate partner relationships, physical abuse can be inflicted by one partner on the other or by both parties.
  • Emotional and Psychological Abuse: Emotional abuse is more subtle but equally destructive. It involves manipulation, gaslighting, and the erosion of a victim’s self-esteem. Perpetrators may use technology, such as texting or social media, to control and humiliate their victims.
  • Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse is a violation of an individuals boundaries through any non-consensual sexual acts, coercion, or exploitation. In domestic situations it can occur in intimate partner and family relationships. 
  • Financial Abuse: Controlling finances and limiting a person’s access to resources is a form of domestic violence. Technology can play a role in tracking expenses, controlling bank accounts, and manipulating financial freedom.
  • Digital Abuse: In the modern era, technology has provided abusers with new tools for control. This includes cyberstalking, harassment, and the invasion of privacy, often through the use of text messages, emails, or social media.

The Role of Technology in Domestic Violence

Technology can be both a weapon and a shield in domestic violence situations. Perpetrators may use technology to stalk and harass their victims, making it challenging for individuals to escape the abuse, including using location-tracking apps and social media to monitor victim’s whereabouts. Social media and messaging apps can also extend to harassing or threatening victims, making it harder for them to escape the situation. Threats may include using explicit images or videos to blackmail or shame their victims, which can be especially dangerous in same-sex relationships where the perpetrator may be outing their partner’s sexual orientation or gender.

On the other hand, technology can also serve as a lifeline for those suffering from domestic violence and provide avenues for help by connecting them with support networks and resources. Websites, apps, and hotlines offer immediate assistance to those in distress. Social media and online support groups can connect survivors to others who have experienced similar abuse, providing them with a sense of community and validation, even after leaving their abuser. Even AI is playing a crucial role in domestic violence by enabling innovative tools and chatbots that offer immediate support and resources to survivors, helping them take steps towards safety and healing.

Preventing and Ending Domestic Violence

Preventing and ending domestic violence is a complex issue, but technology can be a valuable tool. Here are some apps helping to prevent and end domestic violence:

  • Aspire News App: This is a disguised safety app that looks like a news app. It has a feature to send a pre-written distress message to a trusted contact when the user is in danger.
  • MyPlan App: This app helps individuals assess the safety of their relationship and develop a personalized safety plan. It provides resources for seeking help and support.
  • BrightSky:  This app supports individuals affected by domestic abuse and those concerned about someone they suspect may be experiencing abuse including safety planning.   
  • TapeACallPro: This app can be useful for domestic violence victims seeking to document abusive conversations or gather evidence for legal purposes discreetly by securely recording both incoming and outgoing phone calls, ensuring that important conversations are preserved as evidence.

Here are resources if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or a survivor: