Spotlight On Vanessa Alvarez

Spotlight On Vanessa Alvarez

Written by Johanna Klay


Just like Augusts in Texas, our August Spotlight On featurette has been heating up our local DFW community with her Front End expertise. This month we shine our spotlight on the incomparable Vanessa Alvarez.

Vanessa joined Women Who Code DFW about two years ago and has made a significant impact on our chapter. In the last year, she has:

  • Given three talks on Animations in User Interfaces (including DFW Devfest and WWCode’s CONNECT Conference)
  • Became our first-ever Front End Lead for WWCode DFW
  • Been a constant resource for improving the Front End Skills of our members

For Vanessa, creating beautiful designs was always in her blood. She even majored in Graphic Design in college. Her coding journey started upon enrolling in an intensive web development boot camp that lead to her first job as a developer.

“Impostor syndrome does not go away unfortunately. Every time you feel like you know something, there’s always a new concept or thing waiting for you. But that’s the beauty of this industry; there’s so much to learn that only makes you grow stronger and stronger!”

Other fascinating facts about Vanessa include that she is Colombian, enjoys hot yoga and kick-boxing, and is a proud dog owner.

She loves being a member of Women Who Code because she feels that it is truly a positive environment that pushes each other to succeed through encouragement as well as openly sharing failures. Overall, she describes WWCode as being truly inspirational.

We are so lucky to have Vanessa in our network to share her talent and knowledge on a regular basis. She truly makes our group better and we can’t wait to see the future contributions she makes to WWCode and the tech community as a whole.