Sarrah Vesselov: From Cartoons to Code With Creativity Throughout

Sarrah Vesselov: From Cartoons to Code With Creativity Throughout

Written by WWCode HQ With Thanks to Sarrah Vesselov

Member Reflections

Sarrah started off as an animator with a B.F.A. in Computer Animation from the International Academy of Design. Upon setting out into the professional world she decided that she needed a portfolio to display her talent and works. Building that website would end up changing her life, because in the process she discovered that she loved to code, even more than she did her chosen vocation.

Sarrah Vesselov: “I was originally a computer animator. I needed to build a portfolio site and fell in love with the process.”

Coming to this realization Sarrah began teaching herself to program and started pursuing web development and design opportunities. As she grew professionally, she found the process of staying up to date with cutting edge technologies exhilarating, describing her favorite thing about the industry as, “The amount of change. Every day is a challenge to keep up with changing technology.”

During this process she also helped establish and become a Director for Women Who Code Tampa, a process that has had a positive impact on her career. Sarrah said, “I have been connected with so many amazing women through WWCode. It is a great opener when talking to companies, and prospective employers. I often feel the organization has given me 10 times what I have given it.”

Sarrah continues to give back to the community, both through Women Who Code and other related organizations. In her own words, “I routinely mentor members of my WWCode and GDI Chapters. I love being able to listen and support them in their struggles while giving them advice taken from my own experiences.”

Today Sarrah is a UI/UX Designer & Developer for Nitro Solutions. There her responsibilities include translating concepts into wireframes and mockups that lead to intuitive user experiences, facilitating client’s product visions through research and prototyping, and making the final product come to life through front end development.

When asked what advice Sarrah has for the next generation of engineers she said, “Get more involved! Go to the meetings even when you may not feel like it. Step up and give a talk even if you feel like you don't know enough. Be there for another member who needs a pick me up.”

Sarrah Vesselov on Twitter
WWCode Tampa on Meetup

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