Owning Your Career Journey

Owning Your Career Journey

Written by Natalia Daies

Career Navigation

As an early to mid-career tech professional, you bring a fresh perspective to the industry. Your knowledge of the latest trends and new ideas challenges existing processes and helps companies stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving industry. Though your ability to adapt to changing business needs is invaluable, especially in industries where technological advancements drive growth, navigating systemic barriers can make career advancement seem unattainable. 

According to McKinsey's Women in the Workplace 2022 Report, women are as likely as men to aspire towards senior-level roles. Still, for every 100 men who are promoted from entry-level to managerial positions, only 87 women (82 women of color) are promoted. Statistics like these should make you more determined to pursue the tech career of your dreams. Your desire to make a positive impact can foster a culture of change within the industry and inspire others to strive towards the same. While systemic barriers in a field historically dominated by white men can be challenging to navigate, focusing on owning your career journey, affirming yourself, and being intentional with your career choices, can help you take control of your professional development, grow your skills, and level up in ways that are purposeful and meaningful to you. 

Here are five ways to set your intentions and own your career journey as an early- to mid-career technologist:

  1. Define your values and set clear boundaries: Women can rarely be complex. You will often have to choose between being seen as likable and charismatic or competent and highly skilled. This is why defining yourself for yourself is essential. Define what matters most to you and set intentional boundaries around those things. Identify the knowledge and experiences you want to have while prioritizing a sustainable work-life balance. Say yes to projects and relationships that bring you closer to the leader you aspire to be. 

  1. Find your mentors and community: Take ownership of your personal and professional growth by seeking collaborative mentors and peers. Approach these relationships with a clear understanding of what you hope to gain and how you can contribute. Go beyond attending industry events. Join online communities such as GitHub or Stack Overflow. Participate in collaborative learning opportunities like coding challenges or hackathons and research special interest groups like technical subreddits. Demonstrate your commitment to growing your career by thinking creatively to expand your network.

  1. Build your brand: In today's tech industry, actively showcasing your work is critical. You can start with (1) creating a personal website to showcase your technical expertise, (2) contributing technical blog posts or articles to established publications, (3) participating in open-source communities to increase your credibility, and (4) engaging on social media to connect with other tech professionals. You might even consider pre-recorded webinars for Youtube to demonstrate your ability as a technical speaker.

  1. Take calculated risks: Many people will tell you to seek opportunities to demonstrate your skills and knowledge. However, more work can lead to burnout more quickly than advancement. It's not the quantity of the work that matters but how the work you seek out stretches you outside of your comfort zone and provides solutions to the outstanding questions at your organization. Instead of asking yourself, "What more can I do?" Ask solution-driven questions – What difference will this work make? What does success look like, and how can I contribute? 

  1. Embrace change and pivot: Every career path requires patience and persistence. It's essential to know when it's time to pivot. Periodically assess your career trajectory and consider what actions will align you with your long-term career and personal goals. Maintain a flexible mindset, and be willing to iterate and refine your path as needed. 

By taking ownership of your career, you empower yourself to proactively shape your professional journey, embracing growth and adapting to inevitable change. Approach your path with curiosity and a willingness to explore new opportunities. Stay adaptable, remain open, and seize chances to pivot when necessary to ensure you continuously progress toward your goals.