Our Community as a Force for Change – a message from WWCode

Our Community as a Force for Change – a message from WWCode

Written by Women Who Code

Tech Industry

Dear Women Who Code community – 

We hope that you are staying safe and healthy. 

Our communities around the world face a multitude of bias and discrimination every day. We have witnessed overt and ongoing systemic racism across the United States and in other parts of the world, including police brutality, the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many before them, and false phone calls to the police against innocent black men, all against the backdrop of COVID-19. Our streets have been overrun with protests with a message – we cannot continue to exist in this way.  

Our Black leaders, volunteers, staff, and members are exhausted and hurting. It is ok if you are processing this and are not ok right now because this moment is hard and demands an incredible amount of emotional and intellectual labor from those affected most.  

Women Who Code is a safe space that empowers tech contributors and leaders. Our community is rich with diversity and must feel safe in their own lives to feel safe in their livelihoods. 

We are committed to ensuring that Women Who Code is an anti-racist organization and recognize the power of our platform to be a force that affects change. We ask that you join us in finding ways to speak out for racial justice, share your stories when you are able, and take care of yourselves and each other. 

Over the next few weeks and through our upcoming CONNECT Digital Conference, we will be sharing tools and resources with you to get involved. Until we all experience justice and equity in our daily lives, none of us can. 

In the meantime, if there is any way that we can support you specifically, our doors are open. Please feel free to reach out to us at contact@womenwhocode.com



+the team @ WWCode

Joey Rosenberg

Chief Leadership Officer 

Women Who Code

gif credit: tenor.com