Looking Back at Forge DevCon 2016

Looking Back at Forge DevCon 2016

Written by Anna Zhu

Free Tickets

June 15th – 16th I attended Forge DevCon held by Autodesk. I met interesting people, I learned about the APIs and cloud services that make up the Forge platform, and I experienced a ton of new technologies.

As a self taught web developer with a little less than a year of programming/CS experience, almost every piece of the conference was completely new to me, which made the experience even more fun and exciting.

In between keynotes and sessions, I made sure to stop by every booth to play with their cool VR/ augmented reality technologies and check out various 3D scanning devices/software.

During the speaker sessions, I frequented the SF JavaScript track.

Async JavaScript

* My takeaway: Async in JavaScript is still a challenge being taken on with different approaches.

Build 3D components for the web

  • My takeaway: I need to try out 3D web.

The conference came to an end with a series of mesmerizing 3D web art. All of the visualizations and demos were live. Everyone loved it.

A big thank you to Women Who Code for sponsoring my ticket to Forge DevCon! It has been an incredible experience and has encouraged me to explore the web even deeper.

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