Lindsey Wells: Renaissance Woman Comes to Code Through Creativity

Lindsey Wells: Renaissance Woman Comes to Code Through Creativity

Written by WWCode HQ With Thanks to Lindsey Wells

Member Reflections

Lindsey Wells has had an incredible career that has spanned the bounds of art, performance, communication, business, and technology. She describes this journey:

“I've had a number of different career experiences including working in ASL interpreting, performing arts, arts administration, and small business consulting. I began coding out of curiosity more than anything else, and eventually realized it embodies so many of my interests at once. I love languages, tackling challenges, building/creating, and providing value to others. After much exploration, I just knew this path was the right fit for me.”

“There was certainly a point in time when I never envisioned myself working in software. I’ve always had the desire to work in a creative field, where I could somehow have an impact on people’s lives, even in a small way. For some reason I held this image of programming as a field that would be dry and esoteric – not relevant in day to day life.“

“Now I am working in development not in spite of, but because of my attraction to creative work. Coding itself – beginning with a blank slate and creating something useful out of nothing – is a process that requires curiosity, open-mindedness, logic, empathy, and artfulness. I find the process super engaging and fun. There is so much to learn, and seeing the result of your hard work, knowing what you've built might make someone's day just a little bit easier – that's a great feeling.”

Lindsey is currently working with a team of data scientists and developers to create a web app that aggregates data for tenant's rights advocates in NYC. She describes this role, and the motivations that drive her in her professional pursuits:

“I enjoy creative problem solving, and want to help people in tangible ways. I want to know the work I’m doing is having a measurable impact. And as technology becomes more ubiquitous and accessible, I am excited by the potential for tools that can bring people together and help in our everyday lives – in ways we might not have previously imagined.”

“I also recognize that a career in software development is a career defined by continuous change and growth, and I love the idea of working in a field with a healthy amount of challenge and learning opportunities.”

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