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Women Who Code FAQ

What is a member?

Members of Women Who Code are part of a global community of 290,000 tech professionals dedicated to supporting one another in their career goals.

How do I become a member?

It’s quick and easy to join Women Who Code by creating an account right here on our website. You can also become a member by attending a local WWCode Network event or signing up on their Meetup page.

Who are our members comprised of?

41% Engineers
10% Design
5% Data Scientists
5% Execs
5% Founders
3% Product
29% Other

Why become a member of Women Who Code?

Members of Women Who Code get access to all of the programs and services that we offer to help engineers achieve their career goals. Some of these benefits include:

What is Women Who Code?

Women Who Code is an global non-profit with a set of programs for engineers to reach the careers we want. Our organization consists of over 200,000 members around the world, and located 70 cities, each representing a Network within 20 countries. Collectively, our Networks run 1800+ free and low cost technical events every year.

What is the goal of Women Who Code?

Women Who Code helps engineers level up. We are successful when our members love their careers and stay in tech. Currently, women who are mid into their careers are leaving tech at a rate of 56%, which is more than double the quit rate of men. One reason is that women have a much lower chance of being promoted. As a result, we focus on changing the perception of the industry by highlighting the achievements and success of the diverse array of engineers that work in these professions.

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Where can I find out more about your organization?

Check out our About Us page.

How can I get involved in Women Who Code?

You can join the Women Who Code Network nearest you here. Each network has regular events for engineers to further enhance their technical skills and leadership skills. You can also sign up for our weekly CODE Review Newsletter, or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Can I post a job to your community?

Yes, you can post here, to our job board .

Can I post an event to your community?

We post relevant tech events in our weekly publication the CODE Review. You can submit an event here. Please note that there is a recommended donation for each posting, and organizations that can offer discounts and free tickets to our members will get improved placement.